One of the biggest things I’ve learned the past few months is the importance of incorporating plyometric movements into your leg workouts. These consist of all the different exercises you can do with your body weight that will get your heart rate up quickly. Plyometrics burn fat faster and build lean muscle more efficiently than weight-lifting alone, especially if you’re looking to “slim” and “tone” rather than “bulk.”
So here are my top 10 favorite, tried-and-true, and proven thigh-slimming exercises! You can use these as a circuit. Do each set one after another without a break, then pause for 30 seconds, and repeat the circuit 2 more times.
1. Curtsy lunge (15 ea. leg) (skip to 1:16 for demonstration)
2. Box frog jumps (10) (skip to 0:25 for demonstration)
3. Bodyweight squat, feet together (20)
4. Russian hops (15 ea leg) (skip to 2:18 for demonstration)
5. Lateral side lunge (15 ea leg) (skip to 0:27 for demonstration)
6. Jumping jacks (50)
7. Weighted step-ups onto bench (15 ea leg) (Use a light barbell or dumbbells)
8. In and out low jacks (20) (skip to 0:12 for demonstration)
9. Reverse lunges (15 ea leg)
10. Squat jumps (20)
Note: Click on the exercises that are underlined for a video demo of the exercise.